Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Update to Gonna be GREAT in 2008!!!!

WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!! We closed on it today!!! We are officially homeowners!!!! WOO-HOO!!!

We also bought a new dining room table

and a new bed with pillow-top matress!!!!

2 months too long.

OK, so I had a small problem with my camera after Christmas. It wasn't anything major just my computer wouldn't recognize it. An easy problem to fix, just get a card reader. It was still taking pictures just fine.

However I decided that because I spent all that money on the extended warranty I would take it in to be fixed. That was at the beginning of January. They told me 7-14 business days. So a month without my camera. It would be hard but I would manage.

Well I just got my camera back tonight. A screw up in paperwork resulted in it having to be returned to the store then resubmitted with the correct paperwork. Then it got sent back to the store in worse condition than when I took it in!!!!

It is working now but there is a lot of damage to the body, it looks like it has been dropped a few times. Also my lens cap is missing. That may take another week to get back!!

I am relieved to have my camera back and can't wait to get out and take pictures but it is very frustrating that I had to go through all of that just to have a simple problem fixed.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Looking to satisfy my passion for photography I often do google searchs for anything photography related, and I have several books on photography (and still have the desire to buy the entire photography section at the book store! LOL).

But I am also a part of several message boards for photographers. It was on these message boards that I discovered "Trash the Dress." This is something that I think would be a lot of fun as a photographer.

I was reading an article today that I found thru google and there is a paragraph about how this came about:

"The photo trend in fact began with a yawn. Mr. Cooper, 41, said he was bored with the same old wedding photos, and so he persuaded several of his clients to pose after their weddings in grungy offbeat settings. "In fashion photography, they often put really pretty people in very ugly places," he said. "I'm applying that technique to weddings." "

Read the full article here

I thought this was really interesting. I have seen pictures where they have really torn up the dress or where the dress might only get a little dirty. Pictures from the bride and groom swimming in the ocean, to just the bride swinging in a park.

If you do a search on google images for Trash the Dress most of the pictures are really tearing the dress up, but you can find some pics on Flikr where they barely get the dress dirty. Either way you search there are thousands of images.

I think the most wild I have seen is where they set the dress on fire, while the bride is wearing it!

Trash The Dress is typically done with a bride but I think it would be neat to do this with a bridesmaid dress or even a prom dress.

Monday, February 11, 2008


As most people know my daughter has an incredible love for animals. During the summer she wants to go to the zoo every day, she is always talking about what she will buy with her money (which is usually a few pennies and maybe even a nickel.) She is forever saying she wants to go to the "puppy store" or the "kitty store"

I recently got a picture book for my son that has farm animals, this lead my daughter to start singing the song "Old MacDonald" and not stop. She sings it from the time she gets up to the time she goes to sleep.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Yesterday I had a really bad headache, so when I laid down with Brandon to get him down for a nap it wasn't surprising that I fell asleep as well. However I wasn't planning on sleeping thru the superbowl.

When Nick came to bed our convesation went a bit like this;

"That was the upset of the century."

"Who won?"

"The giants 17-14"

"Did Eli Manning throw a touchdown to win the game?"


I couldn't believe it. I had dreamt that that had happened and it was true!!! I have had that happen before but nothing I could really say that I dreamt it before it happened. All the other time it has happened it has just ended up being that feeling of Deja'vu but more.

I can still remember the first time I realized it happend, I was in 4th grade. I dreamt that I was in class and the power went out. The teacher ended up going over to the window to read from the book so that we weren't just sitting there not doing anything. It was so wierd.

Now if that had been the extent of the dream then it could have been any class any teacher. But what gets me are the details. I knew what class, what teacher it was, EVERY detail down to what I was wearing, who was sitting next to me what they were wearing, including what was being read.

It has been so long that I don't remember the details such as what I was wearing but I do remember that day very well. I also couldn't tell you when I had the dream vs when it actually happened, other than I had the dream a while before it happened.

Strange. . . .